Devoted teacher earns love in remote schools

TEHRAN – The 27-year-old Iranian teacher, Meqdad Baqerzadeh, is renowned for his active role in providing deprived children in remote schools with aids through photos he shared on Instagram.
In March 2015, he started sharing his daily life with children at Marefet School in Ayerqayeh, a village located near the Iran-Turkmenistan border, on his page under the title of ‘mbs.counselor’ on Instagram.
“People were informed of Marefat School through Instagram and it paved the way for us to collect aids for other deprived schools in rural areas as well,” Baqerzadeh explained in an exclusive interview with the Tehran Times.
Through his page, he collected money and some other facilities and equipment for a number of schools in nomad areas.
“At first, my page had 50 to 60 followers but from the very first I did my best to document all activities done with the help of people. Now we have followers from 37 countries who offer help for the children.”
He said that although through his Instagram page he aims to provide children living in deprived areas with assistance, but it also makes him reputable as well.
“My page encourages many of my colleagues to collect help for rural schools in other parts of Iran and I am happy for that,” he said.
However, he stressed the need for good intention for doing such works. He said that one should not begin doing so to become renowned himself.
It was my choice!
“I am from an educated family. My mother and brothers were teachers and I was acquainted with ups and downs of this job,” he said.
Meqdad has selected teaching for studying at the university after giving the university entrance exam.
“I studied math in high school but teacher education was my only choice in university,” he explained.
He said that he do love to teach in remote places during his youth so he selected Ayerqayeh when he finished university.
“In fact, I chose the place out of curiosity in 2011 but stayed these years out of interest,” he explained.
Smiling children is my reward!
He lives nine months of the year in a place where there is no mobile network but he believes that it is worthwhile.
“I spend days of my life amongst children who live in remote places but what I earn is kindness which gives you an incomparable energy,” he said, adding that feedbacks from followers motivated him to continue.
He plans to publish a book which is composed of writings of 100 children with their own handwritings in Tehran this September.
“It is a great motivation for children in rural areas as they understand that they are seen. We will also bring a number of them to the book’s unveiling ceremony as well,” he said.
He said that details about the book and its publisher will be announced in the near future.
He said that he wants to hold courses for nomads who live in Aq-Tappeh in the northern province of Golestan in the coming academic year.
“I think I will continue my way at least until I am 30. I think children in remote places need teachers with high level of energy and motivation,” he said.
“The smile on the faces of children is the best reward for me and it eases all problems and difficulties,” he said.
In the end, he appreciated people from different parts of the world for their helps to make children happy.
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